
Mr Met Birthday

For: Mark
Occasion: his birthday

Mark is a big Mets fan, so for his birthday I had the distinct pleasure of doing a watercolor of Mr. Met! I am secretly a huge fan of mascots and love the chance to depict them whenever I can (see my Benny the Bull here). Mark is such a great guy and we're all so pumped that he'll be officially added to the Keane clan this summer. I hope he has a great birthday and an even better year!


New York Thank You

For: The Keanes
Occasion:  Thank You

As a thank you to Mom and Dad Keane for being such wonderful hosts for my first weekend in NYC, I created this card which features a view from our hotel in Queens looking at Manhattan. I love this card. It's so simple, and it captures my experience of the city. I had so much fun exploring New York and was so happy to see the whole fam--looking forward to another Keane-filled summer!

Heart Shower

For: Alli
Occasion: bridal shower

To help celebrate Alli's shower, I created an image of her holding an umbrella among a sea of hearts. Her main wedding color is purple (and so was the shower!) so I had to use it in the card, of course! I love, love, love the style of this card. In all, there was some great art for this event (see the invites here) and I had so much fun being with the Keane-laws. Just a few weeks until the wedding!

Yankees Birthday

For: Dan
Occasion: his birthday

To celebrate Dan's 40th, I incorporated a birthday wish with the logo of his favorite baseball team. Y and N conveniently end  "Happy Birthday Dan," so I was able to put the iconic Yankees symbol right where I there. I traced the Y in silver and the N in black for some continuity with the text. It was really  great to see Dan and fam prior to the big day in New York--I hope he has a great year!

Light Bulb Birthday

For: Anna
Occasion: her birthday

To celebrate Anna's birthday, I drew a couple different lightbulbs with some funky filaments. Together, they read "happy birthday anna." I particularly like the bases of the lightbulbs--metallic and colorful and just fun. I hope Anna had a great birthday and that this year brings her all the joy she can hope for. 

Happiest Birthday

For: Jess W
Occasion: her birthday

For Jess's birthday card, I did some freestyle watercolor in blues, greens and purples. Then I used sharpie to overlay a vine design and some folky font that reads "Happiest Birthday." This card is simple and fun and I really liked letting loose to make it. I hope Jess is doing well in Chicago and looking forward to an awesome spring!


Scorecard Birthday

For: Dad
Occasion: his birthday

My dad loves keeping score at baseball games. To celebrate the big day this year, I did a watercolor of the official 1962 scorecard (coming in at a steal for $.15!). I really like how it looks and am so glad my dad liked it too. I miss him so much and can't wait to see him over the summer!

Here's a look at the original scorecard (thanks, internet!):

Oprah Anniversary

For: Jess to give to O'Shea
Occasion: their anniversary

Jess asked me to make a card to help celebrate their three year anniversary with some simple guidelines: make it say "I love you more than Oprah loves bread." Challenge accepted: I borrowed the caricature styles of Kristen Ulve and created an Oprah hugging a loaf of bread. Popped in the text, borrowed Oprah's signature, and ta-da! I could not be happier with how this card turned out and I'm glad Jess liked it too! I hope they had a lovely anniversary--here's to many more!


Tiger Birthday

For: Joel
Occasion: his birthday

Joel goes to Herscher High, and is a real athlete. For his birthday card this year, I created a geometric tiger (the school's mascot) in yellow and black (the school's colors). I really love the look of this card, and I hope Joel had a great birthday!

Space Party

For: Mom
Occasion: her birthday

My mom is a wonderful nerd, so to celebrate her birthday, I created a space-themed birthday card. The text reads, "How you do you organize a space party?" The answer? "You planet." The card features the original 9 (circa 2005, prior to Pluto's demotion). Pluto has a lampshade on his head, of course. I had so much fun making this card, and I hope Mom enjoys her next trip around the sun. 

2 Monster

For: Shia
Occasion: his birthday

Shia is two years old already--I can't even believe it. To celebrate his big day, I created a monster happily shouting "2!" I really like how fun and playful the card is; apparently Shia liked it too, and I'm so glad! I love my Biegens and I can't wait to see them all soon!

Band Birthday

For: JP
Occasion: his birthday

For JP's birthday card, I created a band scene using my very favorite colored pencils. It features a guitarist (possibly JP himself!), a keyboardist, a drummer, and a bassist. The backdrop on the stage reads, "Happy Birthday 2 U." I really like how this card turned out, and I hope JP had an awesome day!