
J Cloud Birthday

 For: Jess
Occasion: her birthday

To celebrate my dear pal Jess's birthday card, I created a watercolor of a blue and orange sky with some clouds across all the colors! I had a great time using the world's tiniest washi tape to create the shape for the letter and am so pleased that she enjoyed the card. Here's hoping this next year is the best one yet!

Dragon Birthday

 For: Aunt Sioux
Occasion: her birthday

For Aunt Sioux's birthday, I did a whimsical watercolor of a purple dragon lighting his own birthday candles. I love this gag and the tie-in to fantasy and the colors and really everything about this card! It was so fun to see Aunt Sioux at the family party and I hope she had a wonderful birthday!


Magical Bachelorette Card

 For: Amy
Occasion: her bachelorette party

To help Amy celebrate her forthcoming nuptials, we had a super fun bachelorette party at a magic show! I made this card of a goofy magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat with the new magic words "Abraca-Bride-to-Be!" It was such a fun evening and we can't wait for the big day in a few weeks!

Fortune Cookie Birthday

 For: Ankeet
Occasion: his birthday

For Ankeet's birthday card, I drew a simple fortune cookie with a prediction for the big day: "You will have a good birthday" and lucky numbers that spell out the date of his birthday this year. I love how simple and fun this card is and hope the fortune comes true!

Balloon Birthday

 For: Ceci
Occasion: her birthday

Ceci turned 30 and I don't believe it for even a second! To help her celebrate the big day, I did a simple illustration of a balloon with some dots that change color on the teal. The text reads, "30 today." I hope Ceci has a great day and that this next decade is epic!


Camera Birthday

 For: Adam
Occasion: his birthday

For Adam's 6th birthday card, I created an interactive camera with its own film. Pull it out to see what the birthday boy has been taking pictures of!

A birthday cake, a balloon, and a party hat of course! This card was such a feat of engineering to create; I hope Adam enjoyed the technicality and enjoys his birthday even more--I can't wait to see him so soon!


Flower Sympathy

 For: A friend
Occasion: In Sympathy

My friend's mother died, and she gave me some of her mom's art papers as we were going through some of her belongings. To offer condolences and a remembrance, I cut out one of the floral designs and paired it with some colors that pull from the art. With a simple "so sorry" message, I hope this card offers some small comfort in a complicated time.

So Sorry Sympathy

 For: A Friend
Occasion: In Sympathy

To offer condolences to a friend on the death of their mother, I did a simple plant-themed sympathy card in golds and whites. It's tough out there and I hope my friend continues to ride the waves of whatever they feel.

Carriage Birthday

 For: Jaimie and Dare
Occasion: New Baby

To welcome sweet baby Dottie, I did an illustration of an old-timey carriage in reds and oranges! I am so excited that this little lady is finally here and I cannot wait to snuggle her at home. 

Space Baby

 For: Brian and Liz
Occasion: New Baby

Liz and Brian had their baby! To celebrate the arrival of the newest member of the crew, I pulled out some Debbie Dots favorites: a yellow sky and white ink! I love how this card came out and hope the little family is having a great time getting to know each other.

Mobile Baby

 For: The Mays
Occasion: New Baby

Jackie, Kev, and Emily welcomed baby Adam into their family! To celebrate the newest member, I did an illustration of a mobile with the four letters and some stars, moons and planet. I love how this turned out and am so glad Baby Adam is doing so great!

Roommate New Baby

 For: Tom and Kelli
Occasion: New Baby

Just kidding, I know exactly how Tom will be spending his free time: hanging out with baby Jack! To celebrate the arrival of the bundle, I did a simple illustration of a onesie that reads "Congrats on the new roommate!" Tom and Kelli are and are going to be such great parents--I can't wait to hear more about the wild ride!

Computer Congrats

 For: Tom
Occasion: Congratulations

Tom-Tom graduated with his master's in fancy computers, so to celebrate the momentous occasion, I did a super simple illustration of an old school computer with a happy graduate on screen! I am so impressed with Tom and his perseverance all these years. I wonder what he'll get up to in his free time now!


Hawaii Flower Birthday

 For: Janet
Occasion: her birthday

For Janet's birthday card this year, I did an illustration of a bright reddish-orangeish hibiscus to help her hang on to some of the Hawaiian islands! Hau'oli lā Hānau means "Happy birthday" in Hawaiian. I am so pleased that she enjoyed her birthday card!


Flowy Scenery Birthday

For: Castelli
Occasion: her birthday

Making this card for Christina felt like a rinse for my brain. I loved going with the flow of the colors and creating something so energetic and peaceful. Castelli is among my favorite humans in the whole entire world and I hope this year is the most incredible one yet.


Dachsund Birthday

 For: Alex
Occasion: his birthday

For Alex's birthday card, I did a goofy illustration of his dog Woody in a party hat. The text on his back reads "Happy Birthday, Alex!" and I love the stretch between tail and hat. I miss Alex a lot and hope he has a wonderful birthday! 


Mother's Day Art

 For: Mom
Occasion: Mother's Day

I love the idea of kid art as sacred, and so to play with this idea, I drew an illustration of some delightful scribbles (that mean to read "Happy Mother's Day, Mom!") on a white wall. All the crayons have been left behind (because of course) and my favorite detail of this card is the family portrait depicting the entire OG Lombard Walsh clan in our identifiable colors. Here's to Mom, today and always!

Golf Mother's Day

 For: Janet
Occasion: Mother's Day

To celebrate the very best mother-in-law, I did a golf-themed Mother's Day card with a classic Janet visor and a lovely/goofy golf pun: "Simply putt, you're the best mom by par!" I really like the richness of the colors and how the light blue outline makes it all pop. I hope Janet has a great day in Hawaii and feels the love from all us kids stateside!

Mother's Day Sky

 For: My friend
Occasion: Mother's Day

To help my friend mark the bittersweetness of Mother's Day after losing her baby, I made a simple card to honor her motherhood. She was, is, and always will be an amazing Mama to her baby girl.

Cat Birthday

 For: Jess
Occasion: her birthday

To help Jess celebrate her birthday, I created a watercolor of her cat Babs holding a cupcake and wearing a party hat. I love the glitter in her eyes and just the sweetness of this whole illustration. That's the kind of birthday party I want to go to. Here's hoping Jess's next year is amazing!


Unicorn Birthday

For: Lexi
Occasion: her birthday

I just adore my pal Lexi, so for her birthday card I drew her a sassy unicorn flying through the clouds with a cupcake tattoo on its butt. The text reads, "Happy Birthday you magical unicorn", which is how I feel about her. I miss her bunches and hope everything is magical in her world right now!


Rainbow Swirl Birthday

 For: Liz
Occasion: her birthday

For Liz's birthday card, I tried my smoothest watercolor blend to seemlessly shift through all the colors! (It might interest you to know I started with the orange on the outside and worked my way in, for no reason other than fun!) I used white ink to add in the repeating "Happy Birthday Liz!" message over and over. I had a lot of fun making this card and hope Liz has an even more fun birthday!


Three Candle Cupcake Birthday

 For: Thomas
Occasion: his birthday

I cannot even believe that Thomas is three! For his third birthday card, I drew a very stylized cupcake with three candles in it and added a shadow (a Debbie Dots favorite!). I loved seeing pics of the big guy on his birthday and hope the whole fam are doing great!

Birthday Balloons

 For: Aunt Lauren
Occasion: her birthday

I love, love, love how watercolor allows for layering of translucent objects, and am tickled pink (or orange, yellow, red, blue and green!) at how lovely these balloons look all together. Just look at those overlaps! Anyhow, I hope Aunt Lauren has a birthday with as much or more delight and that this year is even more amazing.


Birthday Letters

 For: Luke
Occasion: his birthday

For Luke's birthday card this year, I drew a jumble of letters that all spell out "Happy Birthday!" I love to shake it up a bit, and it's fun to look at this illustration and make sure all the letters are there! I hope Luke has a wonderful day. 


Dogs Birthday

 For: Aunt Kelly
Occasion: her birthday 

For Aunt Kelly's birthday card, I drew her a whole pack of dogs "hiding" in the grass, ready to pounce and celebrate her birthday! I love these little inquisitive faces. I hope Aunt Kelly is doing great and has a wonderful day!