
Coffee Birthday

For: Sofi
Occasion: her birthday 
Sofi loves coffee! For her birthday I drew a coffee-themed scene with a cuppa, a bag of beans and a happy little bean in a party hat! The text reads "You are the best human bean!" I had so much fun hanging out with Sofi and fan for a lovely skiing and tubing weekend--inhope this year is a great one for her!


Volleyball Birthday

For: Danielle
Occasion: her birthday 
Danielle got to play volleyball this year, and it was so fun to see her spunk and spirit on the court! To celebrate her big day, I created a volleyball getting spiked to the ground as an ace! This card was a lot of fun to make, and based off a volleyball I used to practice with at home--I hope she's gearing up for a great season! 


XL Birthday

For: Adam
Occasion: his birthday
Adam will often give me a challenge for his birthday card, and this year it was "XL." To meet the brief, I drew a giant cake that requires a ladder to handle correctly! I love the shadow from the ladder and the flames on the candles. I hope Adam has a great year and I already can't wait for next year's request! 


Birthday Fishes

For: Ryan
Occasion: his birthday 

To celebrate Ryan's birthday and love for swimming, I did an illustration of some goofy fish in party hats paired with the punny "Birthday Fishes!" wish. I hope Ryan has a wonderful year filled with lots of adventure and fun!

Snorkel Birthday

For: Cole
Occasion: his birthday 
Cole did a great job getting his courage up to swim this past year, so I thought I'd capture it in his birthday card! He's flipping with the fishies and breathing through the snorkel--I love the detail of his name in bubbles! I hope Cole has a very special birthday.


Adventure Birthday

For: Bri
Occasion: her birthday 

Bri is a resident of the PNW, so for her birthday card, I did an illustration of her in the outdoors hiking ('cause it works for Colorado, too!). I loved the simple use of a bright background with just a few colors to make this card pop. I hope Bri has the very best year yet!


Neko Birthday

For: Doug
Occasion: his birthday

To celebrate Dougie's birthday this year, I made him a card featuring the lovely puppy Neko! I am so, so pleased with how I captured her look in this card and hope they all had a great time celebrating! 

Tree Birthday

For: Amy
Occasion: her birthday 
Ames loves walking in the woods, so for her birthday card this year I drew her a tree from below! Paired with a simple wish of "strength, growth, and wisdom," this card is very serene. I hope Amy is able to carve out some calm in her busy year! 


O'Shea Birthday

For: O'Shea
Occasion: his birthday 

To help celebrate Mike's March birthday, I made his name in an Irish-y font with lots of green and gold. I hope all O'Shea's wishes come true this year!

Cat Cuddle Birthday

For: Julie
Occasion: her birthday

For Julie's birthday card, I did a high-contrast illustration of her snuggling a cat while wearing a party hat! Julie has such a wonderful spirit and I hope her birthday and this next year are simply incredible!


K Birthday

 For: Dan
Occasion: his birthday

For Dan's birthday, I designed the most Celtic-y K I could. I have been thinking a lot about names and Irish heritage recently, and figured the patriarch of the Keanes might enjoy a dip into the heritage for his birthday. I was happy to hear that Dan had a wonderful day celebrating with family. 


Balloon Animal Birthday

 For: Uncle Bri
Occasion: his birthday

To celebrate Uncle Brian's birthday, I did an illustration of a dog balloon animal with a little party hat on! Uncle Brian is such a playful and fun person, the idea of him being able to make all kinds of balloon shapes really struck me, so I went for it in the card. I hope he has a wonderful birthday and that this year is all kinds of fun!

Fire Flame Birthday

 For: Jeremy
Occasion: his birthday

I got a lettering book, so for Jeremy's birthday card, I thought I'd try out some flames! I am tickled with the contrast of this sweet birthday cake illustration and the intensity of the fire letters. I had the very best time trying this out and hope to play with more wacky letters soon--here's hoping Jeremy had a wonderful birthday!


Cat Birthday

 For: Chas
Occasion: his birthday

For Chas's birthday card, I made the sweetest little impressionist kitty I've ever seen! I loved doing the fur strokes and playing with all the colors to make this card happen. Chas is such a dear friend and I cannot wait to go on a few runs with him this year!


Mountain Birthday

 For: Jen
Occasion: her birthday

For dear Jen's birthday, I created a beautiful, colorful mountain scene with a so many flowers and bright plants and a path all the way to the top. I love the colors of this card and the texture and really just everything about it. Jen is such a fantastic lady and I am so glad to be her friend!


Forever Birthday

 For: Maple
Occasion: her birthday

Maple had the most fun wedding-themed birthday party ever! To celebrate her nuptials with all of her friends, I created this sweet wedding-turned-birthday cakr with a candle on top! I think this was the perfect card for the occasion and I had such a great time celebrating our dear Maple!


Elphaba Luggage Valentine

 For: Aunt Glor and Uncle Vince
Occasion: Valentine's Day

Aunt Glor and Uncle Vince helped me out with some luggage, so to thank them for the generous gift and their generous love in general, I made them this nifty valentine! It features Elphaba from Wicked carrying my new luggage with her on her journeys. The text reads, "Your love defies Gravity". I am just brimming to the edge with love for my family and also cannot wait for the second part of Wicked to come out!

Boots Valentine

 For: Mom and Dad
Occasion: Valentine's Day

My parents were in Ol' San Antone for a while recently, so for their valentine, I drew a silly little heart-hatted cowboy with a heart lasso and some fabulous red cowboy boots! The message reads "bet your boots your two are cute!" I think this card is just delightfully silly and I hope Mom and Dad had a lovely Valentine's Day together!


Chess Valentine

 For: Adam
Occasion: Valentine's Day

Adam is quickly becoming a chess master! For his Valentine, I made a chess board out of origami paper on the cardstock. Since I know that the knight moves in L shape, I used that to make "Love" on the board. I love Adam so and cannot wait for him to teach me more about chess when we hang out again!

Wolfie Valentine

 For: Owen
Occasion: Valentine's Day

Sweet Oseph loves the Great Wolf Lodge, so for his Valentine this year I drew him Wiley the Wolf mascot! I added in a wolf pun: "Howl always love you!" I particularly love how this wolf mascot has the same energy as our one and only Owen. I hope he'll always be my valentine! 

Pancake Valentine

 For: Christy and Nathan
Occasion: Valentine's Day

Twin and Nathan make pancakes many a weekend morning, so for their Valentine this year, I drew the happiest flapjacks flipping in the pan! The sweet punny phrase "flippin' love you." was such a fun addition. I love Twin and Brother Bear so much and can't wait to see them again soon!

Lloyd Valentine

 For: Renee and Liam
Occasion: Valentine's Day

To thank the commune for their incredible generosity and loving me so, so well in this time of transition, I did a watercolor of your pal and mine, sweet Lloydle-bug! I will never be able to share my gratitude fully for all three of the beautiful Kelly souls, but this is my best start. I can't believe I am so lucky to have Lloyd as my valentine this year!

Eyes For You Valentine

 For: Amy and Alex
Occasion: Valentine's Day

Amy and Alex both have neat glasses, so for their Valentine this year, I made a collage of their spectacle shapes with big heart eyes! I added in the pun "only have eyes for you" to pull the card together. I hope these lovebirds have a great fist Valentine's Day as a married couple!


Icosahedron Birthday

 For: Dylan
Occasion: his birthday

Dylan is getting into playing D&D! To celebrate his 18th birthday, I made a 20-sided die with the 18 side up and made it 3D to boot! I enjoyed adding gold elements to this card along with the other dice shapes. Happy Birthday, Dylan! +1 Wisdom!

Cheers Birthday

 For: Ben
Occasion: his birthday

Ben loves a party, so for his birthday card this year I drew him a glass of beer that reads, "cheers to another year!" I appreciate the candles in the foam and overall festivities of this design. Here's hoping Ben has a great day.


Headphone Smile Birthday

 For: Danny
Occasion: his birthday

This card is so clever with the black details of an over-ear headset creating a classic smiley face look! Toss on a party hat and you've got a card that any 18-year-old might be able to appreciate. I can't believe Danny is an adult now--I hope this next year is just the best!


Sun Hands Birthday

 For: Jeannine
Occasion: her birthday

To wrap up a clearly celestial vibe I've had for a few weeks, I drew Jeannine a set of hands holding the sun! I love how this looks and how folky the image is, with its bright color pops. I hope it helps set the tone for an awesome year for dear Jeannine!


Whale Birthday

 For: Uncle John
Occasion: his birthday

For Uncle John's birthday card, I drew him fishing in the blow hole of a whale! It's such a neat idea, and I love the disinterested gaze of the big blue fish. It has been nice seeing Uncle John a bit more in this past year, and I hope the trend continues!


Book Bear Birthday

 For: Robyn
Occasion: her birthday

Dear Robyn had a birthday, and to celebrate it I drew her the snuggliest teddy bear wearing fabulous glasses and a party hat to hug a book! Robyn is just the best and I cannot wait for the book party this year and for some bananagrams fun soon!

Cake Time Birthday

 For: Joe
Occasion: his birthday

A birthday is the best time for cake time! To celebrate Joe's big day this year, I drew him a cake that is also a clock with some strategic candles and sprinkles. I love how this card turned out and I hope Joe has all the cake his heart desires at any time of day!

Sun Moon Birthday

 For: Jackie
Occasion: her birthday

For Jackie's birthday card, I created a sun and moon celebrating together (called a syzygy) in a party hat. I love using brighter colors and whites on a dark background in general, and especially when celestial bodies are involved! I hope Jackie has an incredible day and that this year is something special!


Happy Spirit Birthday

 For: Lydia
Occasion: her birthday

Lydia has such a lovely energy about her that I wanted to try to capture it for her birthday card this year! I ended up creating this lovely and kind spirit with lots of sparkles and nature and just overall joy and peace. I look up to Lydia so much and have enjoyed seeing how she's rocking her life!


Ice Cream Birthday

 For: Charlie
Occasion: his birthday

For Charlie's birthday card this year, I did an illustration of the most scoops I've ever seen on an ice cream cone! I had so much fun twisting this design to the dimensions of the card stock and really enjoyed decorating the flavors with sprinkles and a cherry on top. I hope Charlie has a great year and lots of ice cream!


Bubble Bath Birthday

 For: Lexi
Occasion: her birthday

 I wanted Lex to have a hint of luxury for her birthday, so I drew her a sweet bubble bath with a rubber duck in a party hat! I love Lexi so and hope she was able to get some moments of rest and relaxation to help celebrate her special day. 


Cat Shooting Star Birthday

 For: Grandma Carol
Occasion: her birthday

For my grandmother's birthday card, I did a watercolor pen illustration of a sweet kitty riding a shooting star. I love how simultaneously playful and stoic this image is at once! It was so nice to see Grandma Carol over the holidays so much and I hope for many opportunities this year, too!

Skating Birthday

 For: William
Occasion: his birthday

William loves to skate and play hockey, so for his birthday card this year, I did an illustration of lots of ice skaters on a frozen pond! I love the sweet, chilly details of this card, and how the skate trail spells out "happy birthday." I hope William has a wonderful birthday and lots of fun on the ice this winter!


Comedy Birthday

 For: Brittany
Occasion: her birthday

For Brittany's birthday, we went to a comedy show of Brian Posehn's! It was a surprise, and this card was the reveal at dinner beforehand. I am so so so pleased with how I captured his likeness for this illustration! We all had a great time at the show and celebrating our dear B -- here's hoping she has an amazing year!


Butterfly Birthday

 For: Corinne
Occasion: her birthday

To help Corinne celebrate her birthday, I did a watercolor of a brightly colored butterfly floating by! I used aluminum foil for the body and antennae  and added in white dots for extra whimsical fun. I hope Corinne has an amazing day and lots of space to do fun things for herself,


Sprinkle Birthday

 For: Jada
Occasion: her birthday

For Jada-Jada's birthday card, I replicated a lovely smattering of colorful cake sprinkles with the simple (though on point) message: "Sprinkling you with birthday wishes!" I miss Jada bunches and hope she has the very best year!


Star Birthday

 For: Uncle Vince
Occasion: his birthday

I have a cosmic connection with my Uncle so for his birthday card this year, I cut out some star shapes and added in a colored paper background to create the most whimsical, bright colored star scape you've ever seen. I love my uncle so much and hope he has the very best day and year!