
Coffee Birthday

For: Sofi
Occasion: her birthday 
Sofi loves coffee! For her birthday I drew a coffee-themed scene with a cuppa, a bag of beans and a happy little bean in a party hat! The text reads "You are the best human bean!" I had so much fun hanging out with Sofi and fan for a lovely skiing and tubing weekend--inhope this year is a great one for her!


Volleyball Birthday

For: Danielle
Occasion: her birthday 
Danielle got to play volleyball this year, and it was so fun to see her spunk and spirit on the court! To celebrate her big day, I created a volleyball getting spiked to the ground as an ace! This card was a lot of fun to make, and based off a volleyball I used to practice with at home--I hope she's gearing up for a great season! 


XL Birthday

For: Adam
Occasion: his birthday
Adam will often give me a challenge for his birthday card, and this year it was "XL." To meet the brief, I drew a giant cake that requires a ladder to handle correctly! I love the shadow from the ladder and the flames on the candles. I hope Adam has a great year and I already can't wait for next year's request! 


Birthday Fishes

For: Ryan
Occasion: his birthday 

To celebrate Ryan's birthday and love for swimming, I did an illustration of some goofy fish in party hats paired with the punny "Birthday Fishes!" wish. I hope Ryan has a wonderful year filled with lots of adventure and fun!

Snorkel Birthday

For: Cole
Occasion: his birthday 
Cole did a great job getting his courage up to swim this past year, so I thought I'd capture it in his birthday card! He's flipping with the fishies and breathing through the snorkel--I love the detail of his name in bubbles! I hope Cole has a very special birthday.


Adventure Birthday

For: Bri
Occasion: her birthday 

Bri is a resident of the PNW, so for her birthday card, I did an illustration of her in the outdoors hiking ('cause it works for Colorado, too!). I loved the simple use of a bright background with just a few colors to make this card pop. I hope Bri has the very best year yet!


Neko Birthday

For: Doug
Occasion: his birthday

To celebrate Dougie's birthday this year, I made him a card featuring the lovely puppy Neko! I am so, so pleased with how I captured her look in this card and hope they all had a great time celebrating! 

Tree Birthday

For: Amy
Occasion: her birthday 
Ames loves walking in the woods, so for her birthday card this year I drew her a tree from below! Paired with a simple wish of "strength, growth, and wisdom," this card is very serene. I hope Amy is able to carve out some calm in her busy year! 


O'Shea Birthday

For: O'Shea
Occasion: his birthday 

To help celebrate Mike's March birthday, I made his name in an Irish-y font with lots of green and gold. I hope all O'Shea's wishes come true this year!

Cat Cuddle Birthday

For: Julie
Occasion: her birthday

For Julie's birthday card, I did a high-contrast illustration of her snuggling a cat while wearing a party hat! Julie has such a wonderful spirit and I hope her birthday and this next year are simply incredible!