Occasion: her (our!) birthday
At every birthday party we had growing up, my mom would make us each a cake. I would always get the chocolate cake and Christy the yellow/white/funfetti cake. Here are two of those birthday cakes, and it's our second birthday.
Another fun fact is that my parents would dress us in certain colors so they could tell us apart more easily. I was always in red or yellow, and Christy in pink or green. I used yellow and pink (one from each color set!) for our decorations. And, because this card is based off our 2nd birthday, and because there are two cakes, we end up with a 22, which happens to be our current age--how perfect!
Here we are, our 2 year-old fuzzy-haired selves, obliterating our cakes. Quiz time: Who's who?
That's right: Debbie's in red with the chocolate cake, and Christy in green with the yellow one! (If you look closely, you can see the "Debbie Dots" as an extra clue.)
The banner in the background is also a quintessential piece of our birthdays growing up: my dad would print them out from our computer and we would tape each page together (hence the dotted lines).
I love my twin so, so, so much. And, this card is so wonderful, it makes me want to cry with joy and twinship.
A very happy birthday to the best friend I could ever ask for.
I feel so warm and fuzzy about this card and you in general. You're just the lightiest light part of my life.
ReplyDeleteI feel bad for people who don't have you for a twin.