Occasion: they are pregnant!
Christy, my twin, went to study abroad in Australia last spring. She became very close to her professor, Tim. She found out last week that he and his wife are expecting, and asked me to make a card for them.
"Congratulations Tim & Penny!"
The blanket in this cradle is a New Zealand flag. The mobile features the Kiwi bird and the shape of New Zealand.
"Make sure you raise the first one right!"
Now the cradle's blanket is the Australian flag and the mobile has kangaroos and little Australias.
The two countries, Australia and New Zealand, have a pretty intense rivalry, and it extends to Tim and Penny's relationship. They spend their time in both countries, and have joked about how to raise the children, as "Aussies" or "Kiwis."
My sister wanted to touch on these jokes, ultimately having Australia win out, because she feels like an Aussie too.
I had so much fun with this card--it's very subtle, and I think it perfectly captures the rivalry. I can't wait to hear how they respond to it!
"Thank you ever so much for your wonderful card – it is fantastic and clearly reflects a great deal of effort and skill! It is just great . . . [Penny] loves the concept. We may just have to make those two mobiles you have created to see where little TP’s (Tim or Penny) allegiances lie!"