
Birthday flowers

For: Aunt Marilyn
Occasion: her birthday

My Aunt Marilyn is a truly wonderful lady. She has been a great strength and source of support for our family, so I was really excited that I would both get to make her a card for her birthday and hand deliver it at a family gathering this weekend. She is a Master Gardener in Illinois and she wears pink pretty frequently. So, here she is putting those master gardening skills to work!

But, because it is her birthday, she's got to relax and enjoy the fruits (or flowers!) of her labor. And sip lemonade. And watch the sun set. Not a bad birthday at all.

1 comment:

  1. Our family is so lucky to have someone like you-- someone so observant and interested in each person that she can make specific cards that make the recipient feel so special and well... known by you.

    May I speak on behalf of Debbie Dots Recipients everywhere: It feels great to get a card that essentially says: Hey! You're great! I care about you and your interests and I support you for who you are, you tree-loving goon. Okay, the tree-loving goon applies mainly to me.

    Thanks for caring so much about everyone!
